Monday, January 5, 2009

Lisa Tries... Easy Sloppy Joes

Recipe: Easy Sloppy Joes
From Mom

1/4 of a medium size onion, chopped
1 can of tomato soup
1lb lean ground sirloin 90/10
Mustard -- few squirts
salt and pepper
Sandwich bun (I chose WW whole wheat)

Put onions in pan, let cook, then add meat and brown
Add the rest and taste. Adjust to your liking.

Easy enough, right? Can't possibly screw this one up, right? Think again.

What you see are two pans, the original one I started out with and the new one I had to transfer the meat and onions into. Why? Because when I put the meat into the pan, the cushy plastic padding that the meat was laying on when into the hot pan and started to melt. It didn't get onto the meat and came off of the pan pretty easily.

Looks a little soupy. I spooned some juices out because I was scared. But then I remembered the scolding a friend gave to me last night when I told him I poured juices out of the pork chop fiasco. What I learned is that as the mixture cooks, it also thickens.

Voila! A sloppy joe. Easy. This will be lunch and dinner tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. How long was the plastic in there, and how did you not see immediately?

    Too much liquid in something is really easy. If it's just meat, simmer it on medium low uncovered to evaporate some liquid. You can't really over cook ground beef like this. And if you make a stew the beef will just get more tender the longer you cook it. If there is something with vegetables in it that can be overcooked mix equal parts flour and water until it looks like paste. Then slowly add it while stirring, a couple of tablespoons worth and continue simmering until it thickens up. This way your vegetables won't over cook and it will thicken up.

    The important part is not to add the stuff that is easy to over cook (beans, pasta, potatoes, etc.) until you are close to the thickness you want.

    And sloppy joes? What are you in 3rd grade? :P
